Women Education

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Educated women are capable of bringing socio-economic changes. The constitution of almost all democratic countries, including India, grantees equal rights to both men and women.
Primary education is now a fundamental right. When a woman (or a girl) is ensured of her rights, the society at large is ensured of its sustainability.
Realizing the importance of women education, the government and many non-government organizations took a lot of projects to spread women education. Literacy programs are being taken in favor of women.
Importance of Women education
The importance of women education are briefly summarized below:
Economic development and prosperity: Education will empower women to come forward and contribute towards the development and prosperity of the country.
Economic empowerment: So long as women remain backward and economically dependent on men, the helpless condition of them cannot be changed. Economic empowerment and independence will only come through proper education and employment of women.
Improved life: Education helps a woman to live a good life. Her identity as an individual would never get lost. She can read and learn about her rights. Her rights would not get trodden down. The life or condition of women would improve a lot, if we take a broad outlook in the field of female education.
Improved health: Educated girls and women are aware of the importance of health and hygiene. Through health education, they are empowered to lead a healthy life-style. Educated mothers can take better care of both herself and her baby.
Dignity and honor: Educated women are now looked upon with dignity and honor. They become a source of inspiration for millions of young girls who make them their role-models.
Justice: Educated women are more informed of their rights for justice. It would eventually lead to decline in instances of violence and injustice against women such as dowry, forced-prostitution, child-marriage, female foeticide, etc.
Choice to choose a profession of her choice: Educated women can prove be highly successful in the fields of life. A girl-child should get equal opportunity for education, so that, she can plan to become a successful doctors, engineers, nurses, air-hostesses, cook, or choose a profession of her choice.
Alleviate poverty: Women education is a pre-requisite to alleviate poverty. Women need to take equal burden of the massive task of eliminating poverty. This would demand massive contribution from educated women. There cannot be much social and economic changes unless girls and women are given their rights for education.
Until the middle of nineteenth century, girls and women were educated only for traditional household works. Now, the society is witnessing changes in the role-status of women. There is greater emphasis on education girls and women in the same way as we educate boys and men. The modern day parents want to fulfill the aspiration of their children without gender parity.
The educated women should insist on exercising their civil, social, political and economic rights. This will help improve the overall condition of women in the society. We can hope for better days while all women of our country will be enlightened and educated.

Education and Co-Curricular Activities


Education is a pretty broad concept that surpasses the four walls of a classroom. The core aim of education is to foster all round development of a child. All round development essentially means intellectual, physical, moral, sensible and social development. All round development can be achieved only through education. Education plays a fundamental role in the making of a man and his development as a culturally well developed social animal. To fulfil these objectives, there is a prime need of striking a balance between syllabus, curriculum, books and also co-curricular activities beyond that.
Co-Curricular activities are those which are undertaken side by side with the curricular activities. A co-curricular activity essentially takes place outside a typical pen and pencil classroom experience. It gives the students an opportunity to develop particular skills and exhibit their non-academic abilities. These activities might be compulsory, such as music, art or drama classes that take place during the day. Others generally are voluntary, such as participating in school sports team, school debating team or student newsletters. In either case, participation can assist students in more than one ways.

They actually complement the curricular activities and groom the students in the “Art of living and working together.” They are the true and practical experiences gained by students by their own learnings.
A Chinese proverb very aptly states, “Teach me, and I will forget. Show me, and I might remember. Involve me, and I will never forget.” To a very great extent, the theoretical knowledge is enhanced when a co-curricular activity related to the content taught, is organized. Intellectual development of the personality is achieved to a great extent, in the classroom itself. But, the aesthetic development like character building, spiritual and moral values, physical growth, creativity and many more are backed up by co-curricular activities only. It also professes coordination, adjustment, and speech fluency, extempore and debating skills amongst students. It teaches the students to stand up for their rights. Co-curricular activities render a number of values like:

1. Educational value
2. Psychological Values
3. Development of Social Values
4. Development of Civic Values
5. Physical Development Values
6. Recreational Values
7. Cultural Values

Co-curricular activities are vital because even though they are not a part of the core curriculum, they play a very crucial role in giving the young boys and girls the ability to mould their lives to become well rounded people. The school activities have to be designed purposefully to give an apt mix of student’s participation in academics and also create a chance for all round development.

Role of Co-Curricular activities in a student’s life cannot be put into words easily. But let us understand some of the major benefits.
• Overall Personality:
It helps to enhance the all-round personality of the students to strongly face the turbulent road of the future. Experiences and appreciation gained through these activities assist students during internships and other sponsored programs.
• Strengthened Self Confidence:
The goal of co-curricular activities is to give better fitness to students and inculcate a sense of sportsmanship, competitive spirit, leadership, meticulousness, cooperation, team spirit and team spirit. The hidden motive behind all this is to develop self-confidence and to learn to trust the team.
• Developed Specialised Skills:
Co-curricular activities help hone the talents of the young minds and gives them an opportunity to develop their specialised skills. Competitions that are organized can create a competitive environment and helps them work towards the objective of achieving a better society.
• Improved Academic Performance:
Studies have shown that students pursuing their hobbies achieved better results in their studies. Their academic performance goes way up north as they learn to balance their co-curricular activities with their academic pursuits. They also better understand on how to manage their time efficiently and also increases their interest in the school. Such activities like participation in debates, drama, music, sports, etc. help in achieving the bigger purpose of achieving better education.
• Greater Opportunities:
In this competitive era, percentages act as game changers during admissions into various courses. Students pursuing any co-curricular activities of their choice are given preference over those who are not involved in any such things. These things make a major difference when students are considered for the most popular courses.
• Sense of Responsibility:
When students in their early teens are given some responsibility or a task to handle like first aid or for that matter managing the class painting board, their efficiency to handle such situations becomes much better. This fosters the sense of responsibility and accountability.
• Exposure to New Activities:
Students are introduced to a whole new horizon of activities that gives them a better insight and lets them choose what they enjoy and what they wish to learn. It broadens new horizons for them. These activities stimulate playing, painting, acting, dancing, singing and speaking skills in student

Inclusive Education

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Inclusive education is a process of addressing and responding to the diverse needs of all learners through participation in the process of learning, cultures and communities, and reducing exclusion from and within education. The whole education system aims at facilitating an atmosphere of learning where educators and learners willingly accept the challenge and benefits of uniqueness of different individuals whether disabled or non disabled.

The principle of inclusive education is increasingly being adopted by national, international and local programs working in the direction of educating disabled children. It pertains to a shift in services from the care of a disabled child to his education and personal development. Such a system of education aims at preventing these children to be labelled as “handicapped” or “disabled”.

The process of “Inclusion” must incorporate a complete change in the support system of the community. Merely placing a disabled child in a regular school does not mean “Inclusion”.  Inclusive education not only benefits students with special needs, but also is instrumental in creating an environment in which every student  including the non disabled. This inclusion gives them the opportunity to succeed and achieve his/her goals and dreams.

What Inclusion can further mean  

Inclusion thus means that all the children irrespective of their physical conditions can get educated in regular classrooms. They have the opportunities to learn from each other within the school premises where every necessary service is provided. Teachers and educators too are afforded training, resources and means of implementing strategies for a better educational system. The instructional materials used in the form of home assignments, test assignments need to be properly designed, structured or modified. The disabled and non-disabled students follow same rules and schedules without any kind of preferences or discriminations. Inclusive Education also advocates the provision of age appropriate academic syllabi as well as extracurricular activities like art, music, games, excursions and physical exercises for all the children including the physically challenged. These children should have an easy access to the playgrounds, canteens, libraries etc.

Individualisation and Inclusion of Education

Major emphasis is laid on the individualized program of education. The concerns of the parents are given due importance. Here children are taught to recognize, respect and accept the basic human differences and encouragement to a friendly atmosphere is given so that the motive of social inclusion is satisfied.

Proper care should be taken by the policy makers that the policies of inclusion are successfully implemented. Inclusion, in any way, should not mean “dumping” of a disabled student into a regular school. Neither there should be any discrimination on the basis of their physical condition nor should their parents’ genuine concerns be ignored. And the child should not feel all the more isolated or segregated.

Inclusive educational institutions can positively challenge and engage with gifted and talented learners where a responsive and learning environment can be encouraged. Thus Inclusive education with its fullest and the most effective use of school’s resources can provide an atmosphere where students with special needs get opportunity to interact with their peers and an access to academic curriculum.

Technology In Education

Technology that is made use of in the classroom is very beneficial in helping the students understand and absorb what they are being taught. For instance, since there are a number of students who are visual learners, projection screens connected to computers could be put in classrooms to let the students see their notes as opposed to simply sitting down and listening to the instructor teach.

There is a number of very good software that can be used to supplement the class curriculum. The programs make available to students quizzes, tests, activities and study questions that could help the students continue with the learning process when they are out of the classroom.

Today, technology has been incorporated into a good number of curriculum even those that do not belong to the technology and computer classes. Students make use of computers to come up with presentations and also make use of the internet to carry out research on a variety of topics for their essays and papers.

Students also get to know how to use the technology available in the world today through the tech and computer classes. This gives the guarantee that following their graduation, the students will not have any difficulties with using technology when they are out there in the work place, which might serve to make them more competitive compared to an individual who has no access to a certain software or technology in school.

With the continuing advances in the technological world, students are getting improved access to such educational opportunities. Every time something ‘better’ and ‘new’ is brought into the market, the price of the existing technology is decreased which makes it much more accessible in the educational setting even to those schools that might not have a lot of financial resources available to them.

Technology has greatly grown to the point that it is also available today to assist those kids who are yet to begin school. There are a number of educational systems and video games for the small children that assist them in getting ready for school and in a number of situations also give them a head start on their education.

There are a number of people who are of the opinion that technology ‘spoils’ children. For instance as opposed to sitting down and getting to know how to count, they will opt to get a calculator. Despite the fact that there are people who are making these arguments, technology still remains to be a very vital component of the society we live in today. By introducing it into our schools and classrooms, we will ensure that the students are equipped with much better tools and knowledge to make their transition from school to the work place a very easy one. We need to face the truth, technology is the ‘in thing’ in the world today and it has become necessary in each and every aspect of our lives and education has without doubt not been left behind. It is very useful in providing more knowledge to our students and also on making them competitive in the job market.


Importance of Education in the Modern World

Education is an important tool that is applied in the contemporary world to succeed, as it mitigates the challenges which are faced in life. The knowledge gained through education enables individuals’ potential to be optimally utilized owing to training of the human mind. This opens doors of opportunities enables individual to achieve better prospects in career growth.  Education has played a paramount role in the modern industrial world. This is attributed to the fact prospective employees must be qualified adequately to perform various tasks effectively. Industries entail resources that are sufficiently equipped with the modern technology to suit the needs and wants of the society. This thus, makes education to become a norm for services in all industrial sectors. The primary skills and the ability to apply the skills is the basis for evaluating the market.

The foundation of the society is based on education since it brings economic and social prosperity. Gaining education enhances an individual to live a respectful life in the society. This is because education offers a setting in which culture and values of a society are developed. In this respect, education in modern society provides a forum where the society examines its issues and identifies solutions. The advancement of a society both economically and socially is by gaining education which consequently enables them to run a modern society.

Career wise, education is the foundation of developing individuals by providing knowledge regarding humanity the worldover. Individuals in the society acquire new approaches in life that build opinions on the economical and social life. Education enables the society to interpret the world around them rightly, innovating to new ways and means that conform to their environment.

The current advancement in technology has been enhanced largely by education, as individuals are able to apply the skills acquired in real life leading to innovations. Employment in the contemporary world is based on education, as employees must possess the required skills that correspond with the current technology to perform their tasks. Prospective employees must be equipped with skill for them to cope with ever advancing technology in all industrial and agricultural sectors. Therefore, education has become a basic principle to measure the labor market on the basis of essential skills and the ability to appropriate them through suitable communication.

Education has played a major role in the modern life to all individuals in the society. It has enabled societies to prosper both socially and economically by enabling them to develop common culture and values. It is through education that Technological advancement has been realized enabling communication and production of cost effective products and services to the society at large.